About Us
Referred to as ‘The Magnificent Three’, T.M.L Primary School, St Joseph (formerly known as St. Joseph T. M. L. Primary School), is a Government-assisted, denominational school, that is located in the compound of the Trinidad Muslim League Inc. (T.M.L.) on the Eastern Main Road, St Joseph, just south of ‘The Magnificent One’ – the Jinnah Memorial Mosque – a popular landmark in Trinidad. The school itself is bounded by the Priority Bus Route (PBR) to the South, and Valsayn Trace to the West.
For the full school history please click on the following link :

OUR SCHOOL MOTTO: “There is no limit to success”
To use our school as a vehicle to produce all round citizens who can contribute to our nation through our school’s mission and claim their rightful place in this technologically advancing global village.
Mission Statement
To create and maintain an environment which will stimulate individual excellence among students so that they will be equipped academically, morally, socially, mentally, spiritually and physically to harmonize with one another in a technologically advancing world.
Core Values
(Those values that guide the school’s operations)
1. God Consciousness – Taqwa (Piety)and Birr (Righteousness)
Having an understanding that:-
- Allaah (Almighty God) – the One, True, Living and Eternal God, Lord of the Universe, sees, hears and knows EVERYTHING.
- He loves and cares for His creation.
- One is accountable to Allaah (Almighty God) for his thoughts, words and deeds.
- One’s words and actions will be judged by his intentions.
2. Care and Compassion
- Having respect for all life and property.
- Caring for self, others and their property – inclusive of plants and animals.
3. Honesty, Trustworthiness and Sincerity
- Honest, sincere and seekers of the truth
- Genuine and earnest in actions, and,
- Owning up instead of being deceitful so one can be trusted.
4. Respect for Self and Others
- Treating self and others with consideration and regard.
- Respecting another person’s point of view.
- Having respect for the world around one.
- Not putting self or others down.
- Listening to others, especially adults.
5. Responsibility
- Being accountable for one’s own action.
- Resolving differences in constructive, creative, imaginative, non-violent and peaceful ways.
- Contributing to society and civic life.
- Taking care of the environment.
6. Understanding Tolerance and Inclusion
- Being aware of others and their cultures.
- Accepting diversity within a democratic society.
- Being included and including others.
7. Love of Learning
- Listening and trying to understand.
- Thinking and working things out.
- Making mistakes and asking for help.
- Being determined and not giving up.
- Enjoying learning and taking pride in one’s work.
8. Working Together – Co-operation
- Helping each other, not just one’s friends.
- Listening to each other’s ideas and talking about the best way to put them together.
- Sharing equipment and resources.
- Taking turns.
9. Integrity
- Acting in accordance with the principles of spiritual, moral and ethical conduct.
- Ensuring consistency between words and deeds.
- Having a firm sense of fairness and honesty.
10. Forgiveness
- Realising when one has done wrong – in thoughts, words and deeds.
- Seeking forgiveness and repenting i.e. saying sorry and meaning it, so that one can start again.
- Accepting others’ request for forgiveness.
- Applying the ‘Forgive and Forget’ principle when others seek one’s forgiveness for their wrong-doing.
11. Doing one’s BEST
- Seeking to accomplish worthy and admirable aspirations.
- Trying hard in any undertaking.
- Pursuing excellence.
- Achieving one’s potential in all respects through critical and creative thinking.
- Persevering in patience and constancy.
- Vying with others in such perseverance, strengthening each other and fearing Allaah (Almighty God) so that one may prosper.
- Appreciating the wonder and beauty of the world and its people.