Congratulations to our student Samaiya Lewis. She was a finalist at the Renewable Minds Poetry/ Spoken Word competition hosted by this year.
New Wave Math Champions
Applications for First Year Registration

SEA Prep Classes Cancelled

In move to stop the spread of COVID-19 among our vulnerable students the Ministry of Education has taken the position that the SEA preparation classes will be cancelled until the date of the SEA examination. The examination date will remain as 20th August, 2020 (tentatively).
Academic Calendar 2020 / 2021

S.E.A. Classes Resume

Standard 5 classes will resume on the 20th July, 2020 and continue till the SEA examination. Class Time: 8:30 am to 3:00 pm
Date of S.E.A. examination: 20th August, 2020.
Only students and limited staff will be allowed on premises during this time. Students will be expected to bring their own masks and stay home if they are ill. Parents must pick up students immediately when school ends. We look forward to a productive month.
School closed

Due to the Corona virus pandemic schools across the country have been closed until further notice.